
红遍中外的英语启蒙资料 简称3s的 完整英文儿歌[百度云网盘]

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红遍中外的英语启蒙资料 简称3s的 完整英文儿歌[百度云网盘]

红遍中外的英语启蒙资料 简称3s的 完整英文儿歌[百度云网盘]

红遍中外的英语启蒙资料 简称3s的 完整英文儿歌[百度云网盘]

数数和日期:Seven steps/ Days of the week / Count and move / One potato Two potato / Five little pumpkins / The months chant

认识身体:One little finger / Head shoulders knees&toes

日常生活:Are you hungry? / Clean up! / The bath song / Put on your shoes/ Say cheese! (let’s take a picture) / Do you like spaghetti yogurt?

颜色形状:Isee something blue / I see something pink / The shape song 1, 2

经典童谣:Five little monkeys / The eensey weensey spider / The wheels on the bus /Ten in the bed/ Bingo / Rain rain go away / Old mcdonald

字母与拼读:The alphabet song /The alphabet chant

本主题由 篮球小王子 于 2020-8-23 11:33 移动



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